Natural Parks.
The Natural Parks of Piemonte (Natural Protected Areas of Piemonte).
Natural Parks of Piedmont's
Natural Parks: Natural Protected Areas of Piedmont's
The institutive law of the Piedmonts Parks has thirty years. Approved from the
Regional Council on the 30th April 1975, the law on the protected areas
didn't have an easy life: it was received with enthusiasm from many, contested
or endured with distrust from others.
Was it a right choice? At a distance of some decades we can calmly give an
answer. Well! It was a right and necessary choice in spite of the critics,
sometimes justified, not for the merit but for the modalities by which it was
imposed. The positive answer lies in the facts, in the reality of the
consolidate experience of our four Parks.
- In recent years Lakes of Avigliana, Orsiera Rocciavre, Gran Bosco of
Salbertrand, Val Troncea have worked on common objectives, also together with
the Park of Po Cuneese (Monviso) and the French Regional Park of Queyras,
covering in this way a great part of Alps Cozie and producing various Interreg,
plans financed from the European Community. The achieved "maturity" has
alIowed us to pass an almost only defensive and conservative phase of the
areas Park in order to consider the natural ambient inside and outside the
Park as the most important and irreplaceable resource of the alpine and
piedmont territory. With Region, Province, Comunita Montane and some Communes,
integrating several levels of territorial planning, the Parks will have to
become, as instrumental Agencies of the Region, active part in the programming
and in the planning of participations having as shared, vital and
priority-objective for our valIeys the supportable and echo-compatible
- Scientific Search on atmosphere and territory with the University;
- Environmental education with the schools and the adultsi;
- Recovery and valorisation of the historical, architectonic and artistic
- Valorisation of the culture, the traditions and the minority languagesi;
- Technical and economic support to the maintenance and development of the
agricolture, pastoral and forestactivitiesi;
- Boosting of the supportable tourism and construction or restructure of
shelters, staging points, bivouacsi;
- Conservation and protection of the landscape, the flora and the fauna.
These are some of the more important activities that the Parks have lead in the
years. The photos that are inserted in this diary will provoke positive feelings
and emotions. Wasn't it indispensable to protect this wonderful nature,
patrimony of alI, to transmit it in inheritance to the new generations.
Natural Parks of Piedmont's:
The Natural Park of Val Troncea;
The Natural Parks Gran Bosco of Salbertrand;
The Natural Park Orsiera Rocciavrè and Reservation of Chianocco and Foresto;
The Natural Park Lakes of Avigliana;
Materials to exclusive ownership of
Piedmont. Reproduction subject to authorization.
Other Parks:
Natural Parks of Lazio (Natural Protected Areas of Lazio);
Natural Parks of Abruzzo (Natural Protected Areas of Abruzzo).
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