1. Natural Parks;
  2. The Natural Parks of Piemonte (Natural Protected Areas of Piemonte).

Natural Protected Areas of Piedmont's

Natural Park Orsiera Rocciavrè &
Reservation Chianocco and Foresto

The Park is dislocated in high mountain. The landscape is characterized by the presence of numerous , e lakes of glacial origin and by the narrow and steep valleys modelled, during the eras'succession, by the water courses. The massif Orsiera Rocciavre is constituted by cliffs of various origin, whose presence can be understood only through the process of alpine orogenesis. The territory of the Natural Park Orsiera Rocciavre includes three sectors of the alpine valleys which have different characteristics. Forests of conifers, firs and larch
in the north, woodland pines in the south and lower coppices. The geomorphologic characteristics of the Park consent to different animals'species to find a right habitat: ungulates, birds, bugs and little mammals are present - both qualitatively than quantitatively, in demonstration of the good quality of the protected territory.
Until 1713 the Park was border-territory. This situation has caused the bUilding, in different years, of many military works: the Fortress of Fenestrelle, The Fort of Colle delle Finestre, the Serre Marie and the Falouel. Another historical symbol is represented by the Certosa of Monte Benedetto, founded from the Benedictines on a hill of Villar Focchiardo in the first years of 1200.

    The Reservation Orrido di Chianocco is a deep incision wide about ten meters and deep about fifty, dug from the torrent Prebec. It was founded for the protection of the only one certainly spontaneous station of Holm oak in Piedmont and extends itself for 26 hectares in the territory of Chianocco. The valley of the torrent Prebec offers interesting landscapes and atmospheres.

    The Reservation Orrido di Foresto founded for the protection of Ginepro coccolone, extends itself for 200 hectares in the territories of Bussoleno and Susa. The main interest is botanical, since there are different species from various floras. The most important element is the Ginepro coccolone, which is easy observable and recognizable.

Natural Parks of Piedmont's:

  1. The Natural Park of Val Troncea;
  2. The Natural Parks Gran Bosco of Salbertrand;
  3. The Natural Park Orsiera Rocciavrè and Reservation of Chianocco and Foresto;
  4. The Natural Park Lakes of Avigliana;

Materials to exclusive ownership of Region Piedmont. Reproduction subject to authorization.

Other Parks:

  1. Natural Parks of Lazio (Natural Protected Areas of Lazio);
  2. Mediterranean Parks;
  3. Natural Parks of Abruzzo (Natural Protected Areas of Abruzzo).

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